Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Child Who Travels In Me

I started to read the ebook and I read all from the first page. This is the part that struck me this morning and I like this most, "the child from whom this grown up grew."

To Leon Werth

I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up. I have a serious reason: he is the best friend I have in the world. I have another reason: this grown-up understands everything, even books about children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is hungry and cold. He needs cheering up. If all these reasons are not enough, I will dedicate the book to the child from whom this grown-up grew. All grown-ups were once children--although few of them remember it. And so I correct my dedication:


-The Little Prince

Let me tell you why I can relate to these words.

Last weekend I went to Baler, Aurora Province with my bodyboard, which is a hand me down from my brother and my nephew. Yes I had to get it to keep my young nephew safe away from the strong waves of Claveria.

A month earlier, I was in Claveria, Cagayan Valley, in that beautiful beach of Sentinela; I was playing with the waves. And I felt happy and did not want to leave the beach. And I was praying for a time to do it again.

In Baler, with the other surfers around, I would have felt “crowded”. I chose a spot where I would be free. I seemed alone with the waves. It was coolness to be there. As you know, I am a waterfalls person and not much of the beach. But with those waves? Awesome, I can stay there forever. I was braver each time I see a big wave from afar. It was way taller than I stand at 5 feet. I was tiptoe-ing whenever a not so big wave passes by. Those surfers around, you know well how I feel as a beginner, chasing the waves! It is more than addict-ing! Loved it sooo much! Even if I stumbled and really felt my head on the sand, under the waves, losing my headware and my bracelets – (i pause, close my eyes, and remember!)

A friend captured my moments. And another friend said i looked like a very happy child in my photos. When I stared at them, I know better how it felt. That child in me which hibernated for a very long time, was awakened. Stoked. And I smile writing this part, reminiscing that moment. And I was screaming and shouting “yoohoo” with all the joyfulness in my soul & spirit! I feel like doing that now! Screeeam Yoohoo!

You see, it is always better when I tell my stories live! Than writing them here. Because I noticed that whenever I tell friends about my adventures, I feel happier and free-er! 

But just the same, sharing it here is Happy-Ness.

 Just like a child. Like this photo. Beaming with pure gladness!

I have been in-corporated for a long time. And it is only on my freedom days when I unleash the child in me. From inside out, to how I dress up, in colourful clothing.

I hope to do it more this time. Because I believe in what The Little Prince’s Dedication states: “All grown-ups were once children--although few of them remember it.”

I would like to mark it in my heart, and remember it always, all the time. And as I end this, I close my eyes, and imagine... myself lying on the sand, watching the night sky, waiting for a falling star to wish upon, that the child in me remain, forever.

1 comment:

Rey Danh said...

Na-miss ko bigla ang Claveria! Cant wait for December to have a vacation :)

See you around :)