Tuesday, February 14, 2017

When Love Made Me

Travelling is despicably becoming!

The darkness let me see. The thorns made me feel. Humanity made me become.

In the middle of my lifetime, my sight was blinded and blocked by a disguise of abundance and prosperity.
I was drenched in my own tears from the gloomy heartache and discontent of each day.

In my faith, a song that promised freedom rescued me.
Aloneness drove my mind to seek of somewhere where there is sanity.

The sentimental sunsets reminded me of the saddest moments that killed my soul. 
But it was the sunshine that brightened my spirit that made me realize that life is beautiful after all.

I began to value the hope that the breeze of the trees makes me breathe.
The howling waves of the ocean after a storm brought me courage, not defeat.
The heavenly view at every peak refreshed my mind that made me see.
That the greatness of man in tribes & tales is startling long years before you and me.

Gallons of waters raging down, overwhelms your senses.
The stars become spectacular as the moon rises.
And you look forward for rainbows after rains.
Or stare at villages and barren desserts as you ride the trains.
That even when you are bewildered sometimes, the biggest creation comes to you to give you joy.
And every second of that memory is that journey you will always enjoy.

Being lost all the time is a feeling of doubt in your mind.
As you feel the strangeness of where you are, is when you become sensitive of the bizarre.

That every droplet of downpour is felt, of the blazing heat that makes you melt;
Or of the winter soaking into your bone, are sensations that make one moan.
In fear, you wonder how to jump from a cliff.
You jump anyway, and zip, and do everything without ifs.

Your heart leaps every time,
you get addicted, you get overjoyed, and you feel sublime.

This feeling warms the heart contagiously
that many folks become your friends forever significantly.
The gentleness & compassion of strangers are unexpected.
You suddenly feel the essence and zed: of relating, of sharing, of trusting. Of purely being human.

You emerge through.
You were not the same person as you happened to be.
You begin to have a more patient understanding of humanity.
Your wonder becomes intense; of the places you long to see.

Of the people, you crave to feel. Of tastes that linger.
Of fire or lights that dance in the sky.
Of that excitement to defy gravity and fly.

You want to live longer. To be purposive.  To learn giving more, caring more, loving more. To touch lives. Its impact is immense.
It is something within that cannot be sold.
It is something priceless like a mark on your shoulder inked by a legend, that is bold.

You begin to be basic, to really smell the scents of every pine tree.
To stare how miraculously fish survive under the sea.
To be fascinated by snowflakes.
That at the end of each marvel, you try to save the world, out of climate change, out of poverty, out of deterioration, out of its innocent and deliberate destruction.

It is a cycle. And it drives you crazy. Because once you begin the journey, the yearning never stops. It has never been enough.

Every time you look up each night, you chance upon shooting stars, and the darkness envelopes your curiosity of what more is up there, out there.
Why there is. Who is there.
And that space of emptiness which is actually filled, is joy. It is peace.
It is being in love. With Life. It is an indescribable feeling.
But you just know it. It is heavenly crazy. It is being free. A freedom that is becoming.

The dusk of life brightened my paths. The piercing sunrays strengthened my frame. The love from humanity made me become. The travel of life loved me through. 

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